I’m feeling the pain in your body. In mine. You can feel the charge of our collective wounds if you are a sensitive, intuitive being.

Although, you may have numbed or blocked the feelings.

There is a way through and out of the stories that keep you frozen or stuck, hiding parts of your heart. Scared of being hurt or rejected. 

Radical Self-Compassion. Quan Yin and White Tara. Mary Magdalene energy.

Call on your guides.

Compassion, is suffering with.

Being with. But not Being IN the suffering. Not becoming ONE with the wound.

Not identifying with the pain as part of your identity.

There can be many reasons for our fear and our pain. In our bodies. In our world. In your ancestors. 

Do you feel the charge and heaviness? Are old, hidden wounds being activated? Feel into the One inside you that can hold All Of You with Fierce Love and Compassion for your journey here. This is power. Radical self-compassion is the foundation for your transformation. You are here. You can only win if you stick to your heart’s truth. What is true? 

Where can you focus your compassion for yourself? You are whole Now. Can you breathe into the part of you feeling “dark,” worried, critical, judgemental (and judged,) sad, or heavy? How can you honor yourself and your soul’s journey? What does your body need? Just breathe into your heart and feel your desire for love and acceptance.

Feel yourself expanding as you send yourself your own love. 

Share with me: What part of you needs your radical compassion, & unconditional acceptance? Be the miracle you seek. Be the blessing this world needs.

That is power. Remember who you are. Ready? Let's do this. Let me know your takeaways from this video and what videos would help you embody the intuitive leader and light worker you know you are in your heart!



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 ***Disclaimer*** This episode is meant for informational and entertainment purposes only and is not to be taken or used as medical advice. As a certified mindset coach and intuitive guide, I do not offer professional psychotherapeutic or medical advice or treatment. If you need mental or physical health support, please seek the help of a trained psychotherapist and physician.