Hello beautiful soul! Who are you being today? How do you feel about who you are?

How does it feel to live your life?

What do you know life is offering to you?

Are you doing the inner work to reveal and receive life's invitations and gifts?

I invite you to contemplate how you feel about receiving abundance and love.

Let's explore your capacity to receive guidance, prosperity, and joy. How you feel about yourself and who you Be, determines how much joy, confidence, and self-worth you emanate. You are a child of the divine. And you are here to lead as that energy moves through you to serve and make you embody your prosperity, just as you are in your natural state: Fully alive, whole, humble, and in integrity with your heart's truth. How do we create a better, more just world? Take ownership of your sacred role.

Own your power.

Use it well.

Share yourself and your gifts with others, revealing their prosperity and light.

That's you, living your purpose. In every moment. And like a magnet, you will be attracting the kind of experiences that align with the one you are.

So, who are you going to embody today? Remember, You Are Loved

Ready to go deeper, heal, and transform? *** Join me in Paradise to find your purpose for an intensive intuitive healing, sacred union, and yoga retreat to clarify your true purpose, activate your potential, embody your intuitive wisdom, and integrate your shadows in my 5-day intuitive healing and self-awakening and sacred yoga retreat in the Caribbean coast of Colombia in February 2023: https://bookretreats.com/5-day-embodying-your-purpose-through-intuitive-wisdom-colombia --------------------- Find your heart's peace: Get your free heart-opening meditations at www.sashalipskaia.com/getclear