Are you ready to let go of the story that you are not healed enough to embody your true power, radiance and full potenital?

I invite you to look at the poisonous thoughts, ideas about who you are, and beliefs about yourself and your body.

It is time to surrender and Experience your worth, purpose, and world. Are you seeking healing and coming into balance within your womb and heart space?

To unleash and trust your creative energy to express what is most authentic to you?

Let yourself Trust that it is your Birthright and your mission to fully embody your fertility (spiritual, emotional, physical, and mental:) to feel satisfied, at peace, and alive As Yourself - living your life- as if it was a miracle. Which it is. As it is now. This work is about releasing the "ego-person" that holds on to the stories and perceptions that make you experience suffering while trying to become "good enough," worthy, whole, and empowered.

You are that one now.

You have the guidance to the Healing you are looking for inside of you. You are fertile, as you possess the energy that creates life. It is inside your heart. One with everything and yet, on your own.

You seek harmony and inner union with something independent of your circumstances and stories. You are here for freedom. True Love. Truth. Your Purpose. It is worth every moment of discomfort. Let's walk into this contemplation and practice to guide you on your journey back to reclaiming your Truth and coming into wholeness within your body today. What are you called to create in your life?