I invite you to join us for a conversation about the gift of Self-Love and trusting your heart.

Enjoy our heart-centered, candid conversation about healing, intimacy, sacred inner work, and becoming sovereign in every area of your life.

Theresa Lear Levine is an ADHD Entrepreneurial Wife and Mom of 4 boys. She is passionate about helping professional women ditch anxiety, limiting beliefs, and past trauma so they can reclaim their power and step into a new paradigm abundant in inner peace, self-trust, and confidence that supports the realization of their greatest dreams and desires.


As an EFT Master Practitioner and Hypnotherapist, Theresa implements a unique and integrative approach to nervous system regulation, subconscious mind work, Law of Attraction, and energy strategy. She loves helping other ADHD Entrepreneurial Moms reclaim their power, self-trust, and inner peace so they can cultivate their best life free from unnecessary stress, worry, or overwhelm!

You can check out Theresa’s Book, BECOMING MORE ME- Tapping Into Success: Subconscious Secrets of an ADHD Entrepreneurial Mom, available on Amazon, and also get Access to her Amazing Library of Private Tapping Sessions Worth Over 10K (for FREE!) by visiting theresalearlevine.org


More ways to connect with Theresa Lear Levine:


Website theresalearlevine.com 

The Becoming More Me Podcast Becomingmoreme.com 

Instagram @theresalearlevine 

Receive the gift of her powerful EFT practice library here:

Theresa's path to “Becoming More Me” was birthed through the personal hurdles and obstacles she faced.

Feeling stuck and resistant to change, she found herself in a recurring Groundhog Day of unwanted outcomes. ADHD, repressed feelings, and unresolved trauma culminated in anxiety that she attempted to turn into fuel to do more and “catch up.” Instead, it led to exhaustion, relationship stress,  unmet goals, and an inability to be fully present in her own life. Despite things appearing fine from the outside and living a life abundant in blessings, she felt incredibly disconnected, stressed out, and powerless.

Drawing on scientifically proven methods that address the subconscious mind and nervous system, Theresa guides you to get out of your own way, shed light on your shadows, and call your power back—just as she learned to do!

Her unique approach will help you to:

Cultivate Calm, Clarity, and Confidence in your Life and Business

Elevate your Consciousness, Reframe Past Events, and Shift your Perspective

Call your Vision, Goals, and Desires into Physical Existence

Release Trauma, Limiting Beliefs, Energetic Blocks, Bothersome Memories, and Subconscious Programming 

Gain a Better Understanding of ADHD and High-Functioning Anxiety so you can Leverage them for Success

Reconnect with Pleasure, Increase Intuitive Reliance, and Improve Self-Love 

Make Quantum Leaps into Feeling More Embodied, Present, and Grounded


And SO much MORE.

It’s Time to Release the Negative, Elevate the Positive, and Become More of Who You’ve Been Called to be in this World! Get Ready for Becoming More Me!

Thank you for listening, and please share this episdoe and Theresa's work with anyone who needs support, guidance and trust to trnasform their emotional experience.

I will soeak to you next week, 




You have got this.

Remember who you are. ---------------------


Does Sacred Intimacy call you?

Register for my free "Divine Feminine Love: Dark Goddess Desire Masterclass" here: www.sashalipskaia.com/divine-feminine-desire

 If you are a woman on a mission to Release your chains, Recover your truth, Love yourself in the light + the dark of your heart's desires, and unleash your Divine Feminine power, check out my upcoming "Sacred Union, Love, and Desire" group immersion program: www.sashalipskaia.com/darkgoddessdesire

For 1:1 and custom support inquiries, Book a Clarity Call with me: Bit.ly/Deepshift


Explore your spiritual awakening path and step into your power with me: www.sashalipskaia.com


Free resources:


Get your free embodied sexual and intuitive energy manifestation practice: www.sashalipskaia.com/manifest

Get your free heart-opening meditations and sign up for more spiritual, intuitive mindset guidance from me at www.sashalipskaia.com/getclear

Do you want deeper support to discover your life purpose and gifts? Let's talk: Book a Free Life Clarity Call with me: Bit.ly/Deepshift


FB: https://www.facebook.com/sashalipskaiacoach

IG: https://www.instagram.com/sashalipskaia

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/sashalipskaia

About your host: Sasha Lipskaia, MA, is an intuitive, tantric embodiment guide, spiritual coach, and sacred intimacy mentor to those on the awakening path, spiritual entrepreneurs, light workers, and devotional leaders who want to embody their higher purpose and serve God by living and creating a life from the truth of their hearts.


 ***Disclaimer*** This episode is meant for informational and entertainment purposes only and is not to be taken or used as medical advice. As a certified mindset coach and intuitive guide, I do not offer professional psychotherapeutic or medical advice or treatment. If you need mental or physical health support, please seek the help of a trained psychotherapist and physician.