Leaving a 9-5 job and going full-time in business can be incredibly scary (trust me, I know from experience), especially if you are unsure what to expect. There will never be a "right time" to make the leap so it's crucial to make sure that you have the right mindset and a plan is crucial to having a seamless transition.

If you've been thinking of going full-time in your own business, this episode from Dovile Sinke is just what you need to hear! She shares her story of leaving a 9-5 job and going full time in her business at the "wrong time"

Leaving a 9-5 job and going full-time in business can be incredibly scary (trust me, I know from experience), especially if you are unsure what to expect. There will never be a "right time" to make the leap so it's crucial to make sure that you have the right mindset and a plan is crucial to having a seamless transition. 

If you've been thinking of going full-time in your own business, this episode from Dovile Sinke is just what you need to hear! She shares her story of leaving a 9-5 job and going full time in her business at the "wrong time"

A few of the key points that are discussed include:

[02:01] Dovile Sinke’s experience in corporate banking [04:29] What made her leave her 9-5 job and go full-time in her business [06:43] Her pregnancy journey and how it affected her decision to quit her 9-5 job [09:33] How Dovile’s journey to entrepreneurship started [12:09] Her fertility journey [17:13] Dovile Sinke’s experiences with mom guilt[22:16] The benefits she experienced after leaving her 9-5 job & going full-time in business
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