Kristen is a business growth and systems strategist who helps business coaches and service providers simplify their business and systems to help them scale their business. She helps her clients by streamlining their systems for better, more effective workflows so that her clients can spend their time on revenue-generating tasks instead of putting out fires instead of turning a profit.

Kristen dives into how she supports business owners by providing her genius of workflows and scalable systems, and how the online world affects the business owners that she works with. She notes that the online business world adds a lot of pressure to business owners and that she herself has also made a few mistakes along the way.

Specifically, in investing before she was ready to do so. Therefore, we break down the steps to make sure that you are investing in the RIGHT programs for your schedule, your business, your lifestyle, and we lay out the ways to make sure that you feel good about investing in a program.

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Kristen is a business growth and systems strategist who helps business coaches and service providers simplify their business and systems to help them scale their business. She helps her clients by streamlining their systems for better, more effective workflows so that her clients can spend their time on revenue-generating tasks instead of putting out fires instead of turning a profit.
Kristen dives into how she supports business owners by providing her genius of workflows and scalable systems, and how the online world affects the business owners that she works with.
She notes that the online business world adds a lot of pressure to business owners and that she herself has also made a few mistakes along the way. Specifically, in investing before she was ready to do so.
Therefore, we break down the steps to make sure that you are investing in the RIGHT programs for your schedule, your business, your lifestyle, and we lay out the ways to make sure that you feel good about investing in a program.

A few of the key points that are discussed include: How Kristen supports other business owners get their own systems up and running effectively (1:30)How the online world affects the business owners she assists (3:01)Examples of what she invested in and how it affected her life and business (3:12)Lessons from investing before Kristen was ready (8:30)Dealing with pressure from the online world (10:35)Tips on investing in programs (19:10)The process of investing in specific programs (23:01)Preference for investing and support within programs (28:40)A final lesson and tip on support (33:14)
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