This week I was thrilled to have Katie Moulton and Kiernan Maletsky on the show. Kiernan is the outgoing and Katie is the incoming Music Editor for The Denver Westword.

The Denver Westword is the primary Arts and Entertainment Alt Weekly in Denver. It's importance to the local music scene can't be understated. In many ways, for good or bad, The Westword guides the conversation here in Denver. As such, the role of Music Editor for a city's Alt Weekly is an important one. Simply put, the music editor directs the focus of the paper's scene coverage.

This was a wonderful and very informative chat. We discussed both Katie's and Kiernan's histories in music and writing and their path to their current roles. We also talked about the details and controversies (and cleared up many misconceptions) about the Westword Music Showcase. We discussed ways that The Westword has been vital to the growth of the local scene as well as ways that it might be able to improve.

Since Katie is so new to the scene I had Kiernan pick this weeks track and he chose Denver favorite, Megan Burtt. The track is called "It Ain't Love" and can be snatched up as part of her album of the same name ore direct on Bandcamp.

Listen above and as always, subscribe direct on iTunes and Rss.