Happy International Women's Month! Did you know that this holiday is only 36 years old? If it were a person, it would only be a millennial!
While we’ve seen some progress for women in the manufacturing and tech sectors, we still have a long way to go.
In this episode, Madi and Natan discuss historical challenges for women in these fields, dive into the latest career advancement trends and data, and reflect on the ongoing pipeline and retention concerns in a world where women are over-mentored, but under-sponsored.
* Read Why Women Leave Tech: It Isn't Because 'Math is Hard' (https://www.entrepreneur.com/business-news/why-women-leave-tech-it-isnt-because-math-is-hard/238036) for real-life stories on why women are unhappy with the tech work environment
* Dig into the Career Advancement for Manufacturing Annual Report (https://fs.hubspotusercontent00.net/hubfs/242200/UA%20Assets/Career%20Advancement%20for%20Manufacturing%20Annual%20Report%202022%20-%20Thomas.pdf) for data on the percentage of women in leadership roles and how their recruitment opportunities differ from those of men
* Learn more about Women's Roles After WWII (https://vphibbswomensroles.wordpress.com/womens-roles-after-wwii/)
* Check out the Women in the Workplace (https://wiw-report.s3.amazonaws.com/Women_in_the_Workplace_2020.pdf) report for insights on how Covid-19 impacted women workers in particular
* Follow us on LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/behind-the-ops) to join the conversation and find out when we post new episodes

Happy International Women's Month! Did you know that this holiday is only 36 years old? If it were a person, it would only be a millennial!

While we’ve seen some progress for women in the manufacturing and tech sectors, we still have a long way to go.

In this episode, Madi and Natan discuss historical challenges for women in these fields, dive into the latest career advancement trends and data, and reflect on the ongoing pipeline and retention concerns in a world where women are over-mentored, but under-sponsored.


Read Why Women Leave Tech: It Isn't Because 'Math is Hard' for real-life stories on why women are unhappy with the tech work environment
Dig into the Career Advancement for Manufacturing Annual Report for data on the percentage of women in leadership roles and how their recruitment opportunities differ from those of men
Learn more about Women's Roles After WWII
Check out the Women in the Workplace report for insights on how Covid-19 impacted women workers in particular
Follow us on LinkedIn to join the conversation and find out when we post new episodes