About 15% of couples worldwide are unable to get pregnant and are considered "infertile".  That's about 48 million couples. Aside from the heartache each month, many couples find themselves dealing with divorce, social stigma, emotional stress, depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem as a result of the infertility diagnosis.

For Mike & Tammy Stone, it was nearly 15 years of heartache.  They knew that this challenge would either drive them apart or bring them closer together.  Infertility is a rollercoaster ride of emotions.  It is constantly on your mind and heart.  Couples their age were having children and experiencing the joys of parenthood--first steps, the first day of school, T-ball games, and Christmases. Even though they were happy for their friends, it was a constant reminder of what they were missing.

After over a decade, the adoption option became a potential answer to prayer.  Just as quickly as the domestic adoption opportunity came, it disappeared leaving a wake of pain, disappointment, and lots of questions for God.  Looking back, that opportunity opened their hearts to international adoption--China adoption, to be specific.  God had a plan.

Over the next several months, there was paperwork, dossiers, passports, visas, and immigration visits--all required to complete the adoption process.  Then, after what seemed like an eternity they arrived in Guangzhou, China on October 13, 2003.  It was on that date they would hold their 10-month-old daughter for the first time in a civil affairs office. 

Their 15-year challenge has taught them plenty about how God walks with us through the storms of life.  Even when He seems silent, He is there as a firm foundation to anchor our restless hearts and minds.


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