An alluring adaptation of the classic tale “Beauty and the Beast,” told from the point of view of the Beast. Jim Dale, narrator of the Harry Potter series, knows his magic and richly enlivens this full-length fantasy with extraordinary storytelling. Published by Penguin Audio
Read the full review of THE BEAST'S HEART at
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On today’s episode are host Jo Reed and Robin Whitten, Editor & Founder of AudioFile Magazine
Support for AudioFile's Podcast comes from Oasis Audio, home to bestselling classic titles for all ages — from Gertrude Chandler Warner’s The Boxcar Children to George MacDonald’s LILITH and more.
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An alluring adaptation of the classic tale “Beauty and the Beast,” told from the point of view of the Beast. Jim Dale, narrator of the Harry Potter series, knows his magic and richly enlivens this full-length fantasy with extraordinary storytelling. Published by Penguin Audio

Read the full review of THE BEAST'S HEART at

For more free audiobook recommendations, sign up for AudioFile Magazine’s newsletter.

On today’s episode are host Jo Reed and Robin Whitten, Editor & Founder of AudioFile Magazine

Support for AudioFile's Podcast comes from Oasis Audio, home to bestselling classic titles for all ages — from Gertrude Chandler Warner’s The Boxcar Children to George MacDonald’s LILITH and more.

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