Episode 167 - my guest this week is Mary Conway, Chairperson of the Irish Property Owners Association IPOA, owner of Janus Estates which provides property management, agency and letting services to landlords.  She is also a senior move management specialist - I hope you enjoy!

MY NEW COURSE - https://www.elitepropertyaccelerator.com/foundations 

Mary is on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/mary-c-conway/ 

Janus Estates - https://janusestates.ie/

IPOA - https://ipoa.ie/about-us/ 

Mary has featured in many media interviews and podcasts including:



If you have any guest suggestions or topics you'd like covered on the show please send an email to [email protected]

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Follow Gavin on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gavinjgallagher 

Learn more about Gavin - https://www.gavinjgallagher.com 

Connect with Gavin on social media @gavinjgallagher