Kathy Barrett Host of Behind The Curtain speaks with Michard Richardson, who spends his days  producing Hate-Watch Report which monitors hate groups and other extremists throughout the Upper Hudson Valley and exposes their activities to the public and the media. Michael also teaches workshops in climate and environmental action through the Rivers & Mountains Green Faith Circle in the Upper Hudson Valley watershed.

Michael’s activism began in the 1970’s fighting for war resistance and economic justice and, as an active member of the Zen Peacemaker Order, he brings fifty years of experience studying Buddhism to his social action for peaceful change. If we are to have any chance of surviving the lies that spread hate, global warming, and the Christofascism that threatens our right to worship or not as we choose, we must act now. Michael speaks about being aware of the connectedness of all things including our ancestral karma because it brings us to the present moment.

If you are struggling with the state of hate that is polarizing our country and the world, this show will serve as a utility belt geared to open your heart and elevate your awareness as an activist for social change. 

Tune in to be inspired.   Tune in to be informed.