Kathy Barrett Host of Behind The Curtain interviews Attica Woodson Scott.

When I came across a video of Attica Woodson Scott., State Representative for district 41 of Kentucky, talking about the obstacles she faced growing up, I was in awe of how she channeled personal adversities and the lessons learned  into becoming a dynamic CHANGEMAKER unwilling to settle for the status quo.

Attica Woodson Scott.is the kind of woman who sees injustice and takes action to right the wrong. Now running for Congress to represent district 3 a seat currently held by U.S. Rep. John Yarmuth who is retiring, Ms. Scott is ready to take her "fight for the people" to Washington.

 Attica Woodson Scott. has raised awareness about Kentucky’s environmental issues, racial and economic justice, healthcare, and protecting a woman’s right to choose. If Scott wins, she will be the first Black woman to represent Kentucky on Capitol Hill.

Attica Woodson Scott. is a breath of fresh air in a state with a history of being controlled by both Democrats and Republicans. When the Covid epidemic hit Kentucky, Ms. Scott was instrumental in fighting against the lack of access people of color had to testing and to the vaccine. Ms. Scott continues to fight for environmental justice, the Green Deal and demanding accountability for environmental polluters who have made living conditions and health safety an issue for all Kentuckians.