In this episode, I’ll be virtually traveling from my Safety Harbor, Florida studio across the gigantic pond to Milan, Italy, and into the studio (well the kitchen) of my friend - Abstract Artist Barbara Pastorino.  Barbara happens to be a founding member of the International Online Art Collective.   

It's November 2020 and Milan, Italy has gone back into lockdown. This is why we are in Barbara's kitchen and not her studio. Toward the end of our interview, we chat about art materials. She uses enamels, acrylics, and pigments. I find it all quite fascinating.  

Here's what Barbara says about her work.  "Every time I start one of my paintings, it's like starting a journey. I know roughly where I want to go, but I don't know exactly what I will find along the way, and how many times I will have to change my route; maybe eventually I will have learned something new or I will be profoundly changed.    While painting, I feel incredibly free and connected with myself. My paintings are a sort of personal diary, they are friends with whom I can open up without fear.  Painting is therapeutic for me: I feel the need to be totally immersed in the creative process, in the midst of my colors, surrounded by the paintings I love."

Thank you so much for watching and listening as I share my love of fun, connection, collaboration and ART. It would be great if you subscribe!

Being a facilitator of conversation, I pose an open-ended question to each artist in true Caroline style. “Send me a one-sentence blurb about you and what you do as an artist.” Then the conversation just flows from there.

And hey, I want to mention that I’m an artist too and it would make my heart sing if you were to go to my website and check out my artwork. I’ll leave a link to my website in the show notes..

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