We’re doing things a little differently this week. Instead of discussing Katy Milkman’s research at the end of our interview (Episode 232), we’ve decided to make our Grooving Session a separate episode. We suggest you listen to Katy’s interview first in the previous episode, and then join us here where we discuss how Katy's work will help you find your behavior-changing groove!

In this Grooving Session we will learn to:

Look for the obstacles that are preventing you from adopting new behaviors.
Use the appropriate change technique based on the obstacles that are preventing you from changing.
Give junior people a chance to lead, expect the best, and don’t punish them for failure. 
Work on becoming a Flexible Fernando so you don’t give in to the What-The-Hell Effect.

Katy Milkman, How to Change: The Science of Getting from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be https://amzn.to/3wTSxH7 

Kurt Lewin Behavior https://www.change-management-coach.com/kurt_lewin.html 

Force Analysis https://creately.com/blog/business/force-field-analysis/