Welcome to season 2 biatches! On episode 1 of our second season, we start #strongAF. We bring Dr. David Cox, BCBA-D on to talk about, well, everything. If you want to see the most impressive, deserving, 17-page resume you’ve ever seen in your life, check this dude out. When we grow up we want to be just like this guy. I mean, think of any interesting human or animal behavioral phenomenon and he has written a whole 3874673 page article about it. He’s #SmartAF but also #DowntoEarthAF. We discuss delayed and probability discounting in humans in relation to cocaine and substance abuse. As well as how the experimental analysis of behavior does not have to be intimidating and actually should be used to expand your clinical practice! We promise to break things down for you in a #relatable way, as always. You will leave fired up about research and will probably be googling his articles halfway through the show! Check the show notes for the articles we discuss. Love you. Mean it.
Show notes: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/David_Cox26