In this Episode of Beginner Women, host Katharine Cornfield is joined by Chantal Brine, CEO of En Point, an organization that leverages strategy, meaningful connections, and mentorship to help young people find their passions and transform that knowledge into careers they love.

Listen in as Chantal and Katharine explore what authentic mentor/mentee relationships look like, the role mentors play in supporting young women to rise and thrive in the workforce, and how you can be the kind of mentor the Beginner Women in your life need. 

Episode Highlights: 

Learn how listening and coaching can have a positive influence on a Beginner Woman as she navigates career decisions and challenges.  Recognize the role mentors play in supporting Beginner Women to build resiliency, fail gracefully and rebound from mistakes. Hear how to honour and support high-achievers through their transition to a new context.Discover how an entrepreneurial skill-set and financial knowledge will serve Beginner Women throughout their life, regardless of what profession(s) they pursue. Understand how mentors can help Beginner Women to get out of their own way and believe in their own power. 

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Recommended Resources

En PointCareer Educators and Employers ConferenceJunior Achievement CanadaEn Point Mentorship ProgramChantal’s TED Talk ‘ Get Out of Your Own Way’ The En Point Process and MissionDeloitte Mentorship Study Nike Women’s Soccer Ad