It’s the time of year when every day seems to get shorter, and I don’t mean the amount of daylight; I mean it seems like there are fewer of hours in the day. Between Thanksgiving and New Year’s, the days seem shorter and the ‘to do’ list is always longer. When you add to that […]

The post 10-Day Become a Runner Class, Day 1: The Right Way – BRV 036 appeared first on Mojo for Running.

It’s the time of year when every day seems to get shorter, and I don’t mean the amount of daylight; I mean it seems like there are fewer of hours in the day. Between Thanksgiving and New Year’s, the days seem shorter and the ‘to do’ list is always longer.

When you add to that the fact that you find yourself eating more and having zero time for fitness. It’s no wonder it’s an especially stressful time. I hope this  10-day condensed class for beginner runners will help allay the stress by helping you feel that you’re prepared to start running in January

I had planned a 10-day comprehensive ‘get started’ class for the first week of January, but after giving it some thought, I decided to roll it out now.

My thinking is this:

If people know they have a plan for the new year, if they already know what the plan is, and they’re confident that it’s doable, they will decrease the stress they feel during the holidays.
People always have more success when becoming a runner if they spend a few weeks getting their bodies into better condition, first; however, most people want to jump in with both feet and train hard from day 1. It’s characteristic in our society to go all in, to believe that hard work should be invested in any goal as often as possible. This works against beginner runners because their bodies need a super gradual conditioning period. The holidays are, then, the perfect time. Even walking 2 miles a week and doing just a handful of exercises for beginner runners, two or three times per week to prepare your body to run will make a huge difference come January.

In this 10-podcast series, I’m condensing everything from the last 35 podcasts into sort of a quick start class. Each podcast will be between five and 15 minutes, with most about 7 minutes. 

This beginner running class is for people who are

or older
or overweight,
or all three.

For that reason, it’s different from the usual program; it’s much more gradual. The emphasis is entirely on success, on you becoming a lifelong runner. I believe you shouldn’t be in a hurry to build endurance. The emphasis should be on building fitness at a healthy, controlled rate.

We’re after optimal health. If that’s your goal, you’re in the right place.

This 10-day series is for people at the very beginning of their running career, people just building up to their first running mile. I’m super excited to have the role of motivator to help you take your first running steps, and hopefully, to assure that you have the confidence to make the commitment to become a runner in 2017.

In this first class, I explain how to do it the right way, the most effective way to become a runner.

I mention these items in the podcast:

Go to to order (free) my Resources for Beginner Runners guide

Follow me on Instagram @You2CanRun

Check out The Human Race, a Documentary Facebook page here. The video clip will leave you feeling empowered, feeling like you can most certainly become a runner. The documentary film will be about runners over 50, and the message will be that you’re never too old and that if you run, you will be healthier, and you can extend middle age and good health for the rest of your life. Watch the clip. You will have goosebumps. Then, save the link, because every time you need a little extra boost of motivation, you can go there and watch it again. 

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The post 10-Day Become a Runner Class, Day 1: The Right Way – BRV 036 appeared first on Mojo for Running.