In this 3rd episode of the SpunMafia series, the founders of Spunlogic discuss their sale of the business to Engauge in 2008, the decision-making process that went into it, and the early years of working together at the new company.   


Jump to 1:07 to hear about the different offers they received and what set Engauge apart.  

Jump to 4:00 to hear about the Engauge "concept" and why they chose Engauge.  

Jump to 6:40 to hear what everyone thought going into the acquisition.   

Jump to 10:09 to hear about how the first year went.   

Jump to 29:00 to hear about Raj’s sabbatical and the job offer upon return.  

Jump to 35:33 to hear about Danny’s decision to leave and gradual departure.   

Jump to 37:42 to hear about what Jeff refers to as "Engauge 2.0".  

Jump to 41:58 to hear about how aligning and becoming one company was a big win.   

Jump to 43:55 to hear about the process of trying to create a Spunlogic culture at Engauge.  

If you enjoyed this interview, check out Jeff’s blog:  

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