In the Indian fable about the blind men who each touched a different part of the element, we aren’t surprised to see that an argument breaks out. Each man trusted his own perception to guide him. Until someone with sight coached them on their error, they made assumptions about the whole.

Within an organization, leaders can easily find themselves in the shoes of blind men. With a limited field of view, they make assumptions about the entire organization, process, and team. 

Just before recording this podcast episode, I was speaking with the founder of a large, complex organization. She’s found herself at the center of a problem where she’s the sole person resolving conflicts, making decisions, and charting innovative waters. In thinking about our conversation, I reflected on the blind men and the elephant and discovered some important business truths hiding inside the story.  

In this episode, you’ll get:

How to avoid being the bottleneck, even when you are the visionary founder of the organizationThe challenge when leaders focus too much attention on their own specialization and why it’s a roadblock for the teamWhy having historical and real-time context for business decisions may be the most important data to share across the organizationThe 6 steps to UNLOCK innovation in any business in any industry

And, you’ll hear how you can bring a WHOLE picture workshop to your own organization to see how revealing the truth drives business success.


When you’re ready to Multiply your Impact, your Income, your Margin and your Freedom in business, join hand-selected business owners just like you in an upcoming...

For Love of Team™ Intensive:

Coming Virtually & In-Person beginning May 2021

Our intimate, immersive and interactive 2.5 day experience:

1) Sharpens your focus by doing more of the work you love

2) Simplifies your business processes. 

3) Surrounding yourself with others doing the work that they love

For Love of Team™ Intensive is an invitation-only event.  To connect with Winston to see if this is a fit, book a 35 minute exploratory session using this link.