About six years ago now, Damien Prince and Biannca Raines knew that their lives had to change. Both were living paycheck-to-paycheck while working at their local Little Caesar’s in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The two quickly struck up a relationship and before they knew it, Bianca was pregnant with the duo’s first child, an expense that they frankly could not afford at the time. They worked themselves to the bone to try and get ready for their upcoming kid, but they were constantly tired and needed a way out. Enter YouTube. It would turn into the best idea these two ever had. Over the past handful of years, they’ve managed to build a highly commercial brand and a YouTube empire. Now known as “The Prince Family”, they’ve bolstered their income to absolutely epic proportions. Within a year of starting their channel, they were getting around 10 Million views a month, now that number is much closer to around 100 Million monthlies. And while their family started off with just the two of them, it has since expanded by four, with their sons DJ and Kyrie as well as their two baby daughters, Nova and Ayla. And guess what? As their family has expanded, so too has their revenue streams. It seems like with each new child they have, the Prince’s add another channel onto their ever-growing roster, and right now they currently have at least four channels bringing them in over 6 figures each.