Back in 2011, it was pretty clear to anyone with access to the internet that if you mess with comedic battle rapper Supa Hot Fire, you’re gonna get burned. Ten years ago, Supa Hot Fire was, well, the hottest thing on the interwebs and one of the very first memes to ever go truly viral online. And it all started with one video, posted to Supa Hot Fire’s YouTube channel. From that unthinkable diss, a career was born and Supa Hot Fire would go onto collaborate with the likes of Hopsin, Soulja Boy, and even Chris Rock in further rap battles. Then -- as suddenly as he sprung up -- Supa Hot Fire’s flame was extinguished. All of his content mysteriously found itself deleted from his YouTube page and he told his fans that he was done. The question is, why did he decide to cancel his own career and will he ever make his return? Today we’re going to do our best to answer both of these questions for you.