Across all musical genres, hip-hop is undoubtedly the most difficult to set yourself apart in. A lot of that has to do with the sheer number of new artists popping up every day, leading to more than a little oversaturation. Having a wealth of options to choose from can be positive, but when there’s so much choice that you don’t even know where to look, that’s when things can get out of hand. Lucky for you we’re here to tell you about up-and-coming Florida rapper, Cochise, a man who combines the influences of artists like Busta Rhymes and Bob Marley to create his own fusion of dancehall and hip-hop. But he doesn’t stop just there – he also infuses his tracks with a healthy dose of anime, sports, movie, and pop-culture references, wrapping it all up in hypnotizing vocals. Want to learn more? Then keep watching Before They Were Famous!