Alissa Violet was just a regular girl working at Panera Bread in her native Brunswick, Ohio when she caught the eye of a young Jake Paul & the two fell in love. Okay, maybe it was something else because that turned into a huge scandal in itself but the point being – this girl came from relatively nowhere got in the social media game early on made friends with the right people, and rode the same train to the very top and likely has herself set up for life. With that said, apparently not all is well in the world of Alyssa Violet and she’s got a new lawsuit against the Faze Clan for promised shares in the Esports media giant that were never delivered. It’s a pretty ballsy move for the young starlet to stand up to the big boys of business. While they get their lawyers all lined to sort out this legal dispute up let’s take a look at where Alyssa Violet has been over the past couple of years.