If you spend a large portion of your day over on social media then there’s a pretty good chance you’ve run across a new meme that’s been popping up a whole bunch lately – it’s referred to online as “African Lore” and the clips often involve obscure comedy sketches involving a rotating cast of characters -- but especially a little person who goes by the name of Jack Bauer – I swear. In actual fact, however, these videos are the brainchild of a series of different individuals. For the most part, they begin with a man named Sean Bridon, a Gabonese content creator who's been a prominent artist in his home country since the early 2010s. It’s on his Facebook channel from which all these sketches originate. But if that’s the case, then how do they wind up on Tik Tok, and what’s up with the “African Lore” title? Well, if you already know, fill the rest of us in down below. Everyone else stays tuned to find out all about the African Lore meme on our newest episode of Before They Were Famous!