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Episode: OTCEP Panel - Secure PLC Coding Practices
Pub date: 2023-06-21

This episode is a replay of a lively panel from the Cyber Security Agency of Singapore's OT Cybersecurity Expert Panel (OTCEP) last year. It begins with a great introduction to the Top 20 Secure PLC Coding Practices by Sarah Fluchs. At the 35 minute mark the panel discussion begins. There was a lot more disagreement and back and forth than the typical panel. This gives you a variety of points of view and positions to consider.

Paul Griswold moderated the panel of Dr. Ong Chen Hui, Joel Langill, Sarah Fluchs and Dale Peterson.


Top 20 Secure PLC Coding Practices 2023 OTCEP Event Page, August 22 - 23 in Singapore S4x24 Call For Presentations

The podcast and artwork embedded on this page are from Dale Peterson: ICS Security Catalyst and S4 Conference Chair, which is the property of its owner and not affiliated with or endorsed by Listen Notes, Inc.