Podcast: Unsolicited Response (LS 34 · TOP 5% what is this?)
Episode: Chris Hughes, Author of Effective Vulnerability Management
Pub date: 2024-05-15

Chris Hughes and Nikki Robinson recently wrote the book Effective Vulnerability Management. Dale and Chris discuss the topic and book including:

The definition and scope of vulnerabilities. It’s much more than coding errors that need patches.

Are ICS protocols lacking authentication “vulnerabilities”

The reality that most organizations have 100’s of thousands of unpatched vulnerabilities. Some statistics and will this change.

Ways to prioritize what vulnerabilities you address.

The SSVC decision tree approach that was introduced at S4 as Never, Next, Now

Tooling … vulnerability management, software configuration, ticketing, remediation.

And much more.



Effective Vulnerability Management, https://www.amazon.com/Effective-Vulnerability-Management-Vulnerable-Ecosystem/dp/1394221207/

Dale’s ICS-Patch Decision Tree, https://dale-peterson.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/ICS-Patch-0_1.pdf


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