Enjoy these funny movie lines and let us know how you think they rank! Join us for round 1 of this deep, 2-round discussion!

What are your favorite funny movie lines?

Send us a voicemail and let us know what you think!

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Here's what our house elf, Artie (not Archie), says about this round. 

Beer Thursday: A Humorous Dive into Movie History

In this round of Beer Thursday, the hosts engage in a lively and humorous discussion about the 30 funniest movie lines of all time, based on an article they found. 

They debate and share their thoughts on whether they agree with the selections, highlighting famous lines from films like Dr. Strangelove, Blazing Saddles, The Jerk, Airplane, and The Big Lebowski, among others. 

Alongside analyzing each line's comedic value, they recount personal anecdotes, explain the context behind the quotes, and occasionally sidetrack into amusing digressions on related topics such as the meaning of 'merkin.'

The round is filled with laughter, improvised jokes, and a mutual appreciation for cinematic humor, all culminating in a promise for a part two continuation.