Did you know a group of owls is called a Parliament?

I was hopeful that Parliament Brewing Co. was inspired by some cool P-Funk but Brewmaster Justin Bosch tells us it's all about the owls as they convey a sense of community and contemplation.

Bosch is part of the father/son/son trio behind Parliament and he took an interesting route to opening a brewery.  While pursuing a law degree he played professional poker, for his brewing certificate from UC Davis, and worked at Schlafly in St. Louis for a while prior to starting Parliament

Parliament has some powerful neighbors with Russian River, Lagunitas, and Bear Republic just down the road.  In the heart of wine country there are still plenty of people looking for beer, and the beer and wine communities work well together.  Bosch tells us he frequently gets barrels from local wineries and has several beers aging in them now.

We get into some saison talk and reminisce on their popularity a few years ago, talk more about wine and beer, and dive into experimentation and steps to developing a perfect recipe.