Brülosophy’s Marshall Schott talks exBEERimentation

We all know the saying, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it."  However, Marshall Schott of Brülosophy reminds us that just because something isn't broken doesn't mean it can't be improved.  Schott and a team of other hardcore homebrewers at Brülosophy examine some of the long-held traditions of brewing to see if there's a better way to do things.  Sometimes they do find a better way, and occasionally that upsets a few people.  It can be tough to let go of traditions.

Through their "exBEERiments" the Brülosophy team has tested the idea that a lager needs months of lagering to be great, the importance/necessity of long mash times and boils for your beers, fermentation temperatures, and a host of other brewing methods.  They've helped a lot of homebrewers in making better beer, and even a few professional brewers.  One of the best things about these exBEERiments is it gets people talking about the way we brew.

Brülosophy shares Short & Shoddy recipes to give you a tasty beer and a quick brew day. (Photo: Brülosophy)[/caption]

Learn more about hops and yeast from Brülosophy

Brülosophy has a host of other resources on their site as well.  The Hop Chronicles examine the performance of hop varieties in single hop beers and Short & Shoddy offers up quick recipes for various brews.  They also share several methods for brewing including mashing, kegging, fermenting, and how to harvest your own yeast.  It's a one-stop information shop over there.

If you're more of a listener than a reader (and we definitely hope that's the case) you can check out the Brülosophy Podcast for more on their exBEERiments, Q&A sessions with the team and industry experts, and plenty of other brewing-related topics.

Won't you take me to, Monkey Town

We took a quick road trip to Tennessee recently and found ourselves at Monkey Town Brewing in Dayton, home of the Scopes Monkey Trial.  None of my friends were familiar with the case, but it's a pretty interesting case.  The short of it is that a high school teacher (John T. Scopes) was accused of teaching evolution in school at a time when that was illegal.  He didn't recall ever teaching evolution but took the fall as he thought it would be good publicity for the town.  As promised in the show, here's the link to the Wiki on the Scopes Trial.

The folks at Monkey Town were extremely friendly and offered up some great beers, especially their NEIPAs and pastry stouts.  If you find yourself in Dayton we recommend you stop by.

Shout out to the crew at Brew Chatt for the recommendation!

The Beer List Monkey Town Not Fat, Just Fluffy | Fluffernutter Stout Orpheus When All Goes Black My Shadow Seeks Me | Black Coconut Milk Stout Terrapin Dispensary Pack Terrapin Dancing Gummy Bear | Hemp Cherry Berliner Weisse Terrapin Jazz Cabbage | Hemp IPA Terrapin Magic Brownie Ale | Hemp Chocolate Brown Ale Craft Beer News A Brewery in Canada Lost $2.1 Million Dollars in a “Social Engineering Cyberattack” (via Kitchner Today) Two Beer Distributors Sign Exclusive Deals For Pouring Rights at UNC Wilmington (via Port City Daily) A Colorado State University Plant Scientist Has Achieved Four Hop Cycles In A Year (via Craft Brewing Business) More shows for Homebrewers

Check out these other shows for homebrewers and hardcore beer nerds

Stan Hieronymus talks Hops, Yeast, and South American craft beer | Ep. 192 Homebrewing IPAs and Stouts with Little Cottage and Jay Brantley | Ep. 165 StillFire Brewing with BJCP Grand Master Phil Farrell | Ep. 203