Featuring Raphael Bostic, David Sloane, Jeremy Loudenback, and Aubrey Hicks In this edition of the Bedrosian Book Club Podcast, we’re looking at the dystopian novel On Such a Full Sea by Chang-rae Lee. Lee's novel follows Fan, a young woman from one of the labor communities, as she leaves her home in search of her love. In a corporatized future world - where the wealthy fly in helicopters, workers try to compete with robots, and the really poor live in favelas - what becomes of social mobility and the notions of resilience and hope and equality? For more information, and for links to some of the things we discuss, check out the show page: https://bedrosian.usc.edu/blog/podcast/on-such-a-full-sea Next time we’ll discuss Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Philip K. Dick – the classic science fiction novel that was the inspiration for the cult-classic film Blade Runner. We’ll continue our look at how envisioning the future is necessary to thinking about the present. We'll be joined by Colin Marshall, of the Notebook on Cities and Culture podcast: http://blog.colinmarshall.org/. The DADES episode will air June 26th, read along with us and share your thoughts on Facebook. Email Aubrey, at [email protected] if you are interested in joining the Facebook group.

Sponsored by the USC Bedrosian Center

Recorded at the USC Sol Price School of Public Policy