In Coriolanus, Shakespeare brings us to a Rome in a time of transitional government, leadership, citizenship. Patrician Menenius tries to calm a mutiny among the Roman plebeians over the way they feel they have been treated by the nobles. His friend, the great war hero, Caius Martius Coriolanus agrees to run for counsel. However, Coriolanus treats the plebeians with contempt, giving tribunes Sicinius and Brutus the ability to destroy Coriolanus' governing hopes, to destroy his reputation in Rome.

Join us for a conversation on leadership, citizenship, military prowess, and running for elected office. Can Shakespeare still teach us about leadership?

Host Jeffery A. Jenkins (@jaj7d) is joined by guests Carla Della Gatta (@CarlaDellaGatta ), Lisa Schweitzer (@drschweitzer), and Donnajean Ward (@DonnajeanWard).


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