Previous Episode: 005: Rekstizzy
Next Episode: 007: Jhameel

Sometimes the best things in life to ever happen to you...are the things that don’t happen. That’s the philosphy of my next guest whom I have invited to sit down with me. Because just like his latest release ‘Blessing in Disguise’, and this podcast, it’s technically innovative music, words and sounds that reminds you that it’s been crafted by a living, breathing, upright human. Also, anyone I can geek out with over kung-fu films and Sega Dreamcast games is aces in my book. With a sprawling catalog that includes dozens of projects and countless remixes, Elaquent has become one of beat music’s greatest innovators and he coulda been anywhere in the world, but he’s here with me!!!! We chat about his life, early days of boorish rap-rock strain that dogged the genre’s turn-of-the-millennium heyday led by acts like Limp Bizkit, his music production style, and more. Visit the website: Support the show on Patreon: