Camilla Long is a Public Speaking Coach for corporate & SME leaders and business owners and a TEDx Public Speaking Partner.

 There are few better placed than computer scientist, Camilla Long, to help you communicate and share your message in a virtual world. From software developer in Japan to equity markets broker in London, Camilla now works with organisations large and small to empower people to speak with confidence and conviction.

Learning lessons from doing business with the world’s leading hedge funds and banks in the cut and thrust of the capital markets, Camilla will help you to take on those challenges that stretch you because stepping up means that you’ll grow and expand your influence and feel more fulfilled in your role. Camilla holds a BSc in Computer Science and an MSc in Strategic Management.



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Sylvia Baldock has been transforming lives from the tender age of 13 when she ran a youth group for deprived teenagers in Glasgow, Scotland.

Throughout her varied career from Theatre Sister in Open heart Surgery to a Masterclass Facilitator, Speaker, Business Mentor/Coach and Author, Sylvia has inspired and motivated thousands of people to recognise the unique value they bring to the workplace and to live a life of purpose and impact by Becoming More Significant.

Sylvia works with Leaders, Aspiring Leaders, Teams and Individuals who want to increase visibility, confidence, focus, clarity, communication, collaboration, motivation, productivity and growth.

If you would like to know how you can Become More Significant right now, book a 20 minute free coaching call by emailing  [email protected]


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