This is an email we got from Anna, one of our listeners.

I don't like the job I currently have. My boss is very demanding and I'm stressed out. I wake up early and spend an hour every morning in rush hour traffic.

I would love to be able to focus on creating music. The problem is that I can't afford to quit my job, I only make $15 per hour and because I'm working so much - I don't have enough time to turn the music into a career.

What can I do? How to stop working and follow my dream?

If you have a similar situation as Anna, this episode will be perfect for you. We are diving in to the concept of that "The purpose of money is to buy time".

By understanding this concept, it will be a lot easier to free up your time and live a life without a boss.

Today's episode is an entrepreneurship episode, where Erik and Emil explore topics about how to become a better business person.

We are often sharing real life examples that have happened previously in our careers. What we have learned, who we have learned from and how we have applied that into our real lives. Everything in a mix with personal thoughts and reflections.

Our goal with this episode is to change your mindset about money in a way that will help you to have more freedom in your life. Teach you the answer to "How to stop working and follow my dream?"

In part 1 we talk about that almost all money is used to buy things, and very little is used to buy time. Why is that? How come we think of money as buying things and is that really the most valuable use of money?

In part 2 we look into how you can use your money to buy time instead of buying things. That if you use your money to buy more time early on it will free up your life and even make it easier to buy things in the future.

In part 3 we talk about how to build a small money machine, by beginner friendly investing creating a way to get you extra hours every month.

In part 4 we come back to Anna's question, and we give her our recommendations of what we would do in her situation.

Follow Erik and Emil on their social channels!

Episode #18 - Finance, easier than you think.