We are currently missing all of our goals with Great.com. It's a source of frustration and powerlessness. We believe this is a common challenge in when building an organisation and in this episode, we explore how to deal with it and how to move forward.

Today’s episode is an update episode, where Erik and Emil explore the very real challenges and problems that come up when building the company Great.com.

This is an opportunity for you to get a behind the scenes look of what it’s like to build a company and also get an update on our progress. What we learn here is not something you will read in a book. It’s the real story of how Great.com gets built.

We started by exploring why we are missing the goals and it felt like opening Pandora's box.

When planning the episode we were thinking about the missed goals from a logical perspective and found lots of valid reasons for it. When the microphones were turned on and things got real, the conversation, however, took unexpected turns. There were a lot of unexpected answers that came up and we ended up questioning the goals altogether and if we have even understood the goals in the first place.

Erik found that he didn't feel committed to the goals himself and Emil realised that he had no understanding about why the goals were there in the first place. We both felt that we were lacking an emotional connection to the goals.

This became a very valuable episode for ourselves and probably the most important one we have recorded seen from the perspective of Great.com and the importance for our team.

Follow Erik and Emil on their social channels!