Are you making common mistakes when setting goals? Falling into the same traps we have fallen into? If you are doing these mistakes you run a big risk of both losing your energy and your motivation as well as completely missing to reach your targets.

This was a spontaneous episode. We had such interesting conversations when we started planning our goals that we just decided to turn on the microphones and record the dialogue. We feel it became one of your best episodes yet.

One thing that it's rarely spoken about is the importance of enjoying the goals. How much are you following your goals vs. following your inspiration? How likely is it that you kill your inspiration with your goals?

How can you set your goals to make sure you build great habits? How can you set your goals to make sure they give you energy instead of taking it?

Our goal with this episode is for you to set the right goals for 2020, make sure you can reach them and that you enjoy the ride of getting there as well.