People talk a lot about Facebook ads and Instagram ads, but promoted pins on Pinterest don’t get a lot of attention.

That means there is less competition to get your content in front of your audience on Pinterest... if you know how to promote a pin on Pinterest.

Monica Froese is a blogger who viewed this gap as money to make… and that’s exactly what she started doing by promoting pins on Pinterest, then teaching others how to do the same thing.

In this episode, Monica takes us through why we should stop caring about the page view and start caring about the conversions.

The data will tell you everything.

Now, let’s go step by step.

First, you need to install the Pinterest tag on every page of your website in the header script. For Facebook advertisers, this is like your Facebook pixel.

Then, you’re going to go determine your goal to set an objective, choose an audience, and do keyword research because Pinterest is a search engine.

The best part? Monica says advertising on Pinterest is cheaper than on Facebook.

Some resources mentioned in this episode:

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