I’m a little obsessed with being productive and efficient.

So is my friend, Stefanie Gass from The Mompreneur Mastermind Show.

She went from working in network marketing to becoming a fulltime mompreneur that helps others in network marketing.

She quickly realized that what she was teaching others, how to brand themselves to build their businesses, was getting old fast. (I mean, how many more online sales tactics can you really handle?!)

In this podcast episode, Stefanie is going to show you how the right strategy and mindset makes all the difference in growing your business as a productive mompreneur.

Some resources mentioned in this episode:

Podcast: bit.ly/themompreneurmastermindshow Website: StefanieGass.com Instagram: @StefanieGass Community: bit.ly/successsupportgroup Free course: PitchPublicityProfit.com

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