A Media Mentoring Program client of mine reached out on Facebook and suggested an episode idea, so I moved all the other ones down and bumped this one up for her. 

There is such an overlap between social media and PR. They work together, so make them work for you!

Build your brand on social media by sharing your expertise on social media. This way when a journalist does their research on you, they are convinced.Share your wins on social media. This shows your TRUE expertise.Do this regularly. Don’t do it once and forget it because then new followers won’t see it and current followers won’t remember.Connect with the person you’re pitching. This is why it’s important to select a handful of ones that will move the needle for you instead of 500 who cover your niche.Don’t just connect - like, comment, retweet, etc.After you pitch them, send them a tweet or message to give them a heads-up.After you earn coverage, share it on social media REPEATEDLY and tag the journalist who made it happen. I talk about the importance of this in previous episodes with journalists.

To do this seamlessly and automatically, I use Agorapulse. 

Try it free for 30 days here: https://www.agorapulse.com/?via=christina86

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