I ended 2020 with more than 60 books read.

On Instagram, on my blog, and on my podcast, I share what I’m reading.

People always ask me how I can read so much.

At the end of the day, it’s all about time management.

I’m pretty good at managing my time, but I will also add that my husband stays at home and takes care of the kids so that takes some off my plate.

If you don’t have a stay at home husband, you can still read a lot of books!

He only started staying home in August of 2020 and by then I was finishing one book a week, so #noexcuses.

I have a lot more I want to get to, and I’m sure you do too, so I’m sharing how I’m able to read so many books.

Some resources mentioned in this episode:

GoodReads Audible Christina Reads All Day podcast #Bookstagram

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