I love being productive and efficient. Sometimes a NOT to-do list can help you get just as much done if not more.

While traditional to-do lists outline tasks and obligations, a "NOT to do" list allows you to identify and eliminate nonessential or unproductive activities. 

By clearly defining what activities should be avoided or minimized, it helps in setting boundaries and staying focused on the most critical tasks. 

This approach prevents wasted time and energy on distractions, unimportant commitments, or counterproductive habits. 

By consciously avoiding these activities, you can allocate more time and energy towards meaningful, high-priority tasks that contribute to your goals and overall success. 

Ultimately, a "NOT to do" list serves as a powerful tool for enhancing efficiency and maximizing productivity.

Listen to what's on mine!

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Check out my online course at MediaMentoringProgram.comJoin my newsletter at MediaMavenAndMore.com/newsletterSee how we can work together at MediaMavenAndMore.com/work-together

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