Trumpeter swans may be recognizable by their loud, old-car-horn honking calls, but Oregon’s largest waterfowl species is still considered cryptic, because they tend to hang out around another large, white swan called Tundra swans. This makes counting Oregon’s Trumpeter swans challenging. To add to the challenges, you have Trumpeter swans that use the Pacific Flyway part of Western Oregon and a unique Rocky Mountain population of Trumpeter swans that sometimes use areas like Summer Lake and Malheur National Wildlife Refuge as wintering areas and breeding areas. This week’s podcast takes you on an adventure to count swans at Summer Lake Wildlife Area, where managers have been working to establish a breeding population. We spend the day with ODFW’s Statewide Waterfowl Coordinator Brandon Reishus learning about efforts to count and preserve these amazing birds.

Show Notes:

Lear more about Oregon’s Trumpeter swans here -,wingspan%20define%20this%20magnificent%20bird.

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