NASA Astrophysicist Ariel Boursi Levi: Exploration of Space       more places         The stars in […]

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NASA Astrophysicist Ariel Boursi Levi: Exploration of Space



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The stars in the sky seem so close when you look at them, but that is a trick. In fact, they are so far away that when you look at a star, you see it as it was lights years ago – not how it is in the present moment. In cases like this –  you cannot even believe your own eyes.

We have with us as a guest today someone who has dedicated his life to the study of the stars and skies and space so that he knows what his eyes can believe and what they cannot believe. Cosmetologist and astrophysicist Ariel Boursi Levi has been working for NASA since 2015 and is going to discuss some of the deep secrets of space with us today.

Topics we are going to touch on include: what does an astrophysicist do? Why does he hope we never visit another planet with intelligent life on it and that aliens never come to Earth? Does he believe in God? What does he think is beyond the universe? Will we see time travel in our lifetimes? How much times does he spend on Instagram, where he has over 100,000 followers?

You can learn more about Ariel and contact him via Instagram:

The post #21: Ariel Boursi Levi appeared first on Beauty Is Eternal.