Hi Beauties!

On this week’s episode of Beauty Bytes with Dr. Kay: Secrets of a Plastic Surgeon, I am excited to be joined with sprout expert Doug Evans, Co-founder of Organic Avenue, to discuss the tips and health benefits of sprouting. We’ve all heard of “going vegan”, but Doug chose to stick with sprouting specifically because of its convenience and low-cost, whilst getting a variety of vitamins and essential fatty acid nutrients to help protect the body from diseases including cancer. Yes, it's easy to stop by your local store to shop for greens, but vegetable produce is a long-distance, large-scale transportation that could consume large quantities of emitted fossil fuels. Doug encourages others to try the simple method of sprouting; to have fresh, highly nutritious, and affordable greens grown right in your own house! Have a question or something you’d like covered on the podcast? Send me a DM or email [email protected]

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Click Here to learn more about Sprouting