Happy Friday, Beauty Byters! 

In this week’s Five Minute Friday, I will be discussing the prebiotic, Inulin! Inulin is a type of soluble, but indigestible dietary fiber that improves digestive health, helps control diabetes, and aids with weight loss.  Because inulin is highly versatile as a powder, it can be easily added to daily beverages, meals, and other consumable goods. As well, by applying Inulin to the skin, Probiotics thrive, keeping the surface of the skin balanced, youthful, and strong. I will be selling Simply Inulin, created by Ingrid De La Mare-Kenny in my office! Order it, when it is in stock! I love informing my Beauty Byters with new information! Have a question or something you’d like covered on the podcast? Send me a DM or email [email protected]

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