Happy Friday, Beauty Byters! 

In this week’s Five Minute Friday, I will be discussing the relationship between stress and graying hair. Some people are all about the “gray positive movement”, insisting that letting a headful of gray hair grow is empowering. On the other hand, some people do not like having gray hair because it goes against societal standards that associate beauty with youth, even though the process is inevitable. Tune into this week’s episode to learn about the biological mechanisms behind the rise of gray hair. I discuss a recently conducted study by Bing Zhang and his team that talks about the effects of specific hormones on the growth of gray hair and future ability to hopefully reverse this process. I follow with any recommendations I have to boost overall hair growth! I love informing my Beauty Byters with new information! Have a question or something you’d like covered on the podcast? Send me a DM or email [email protected]!

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