Dr. Kay's office celebrates International Women's Day through the eyes of mothers/wives, young adults, and a high schooler. They discuss all their opinions, advice, and challenges about being a woman in today's society. Whether it is in high school during COVID, dealing with society's beauty standards, navigating life in your 20's and figuring out your career path/dating, or studying for Med school while balancing life and work, we cover it all!  Each at a different stage in their life, we all offer something to the table and are confident knowing life will take us where we need to go. Be present, educate yourself, take time for yourself, have a goal that makes you wake up in the morning, and push yourself.  Don't be afraid to say yes to any opportunity because that is where you learn the most. Remember to think of every day as your last; you won't be sad you didn't work enough; you will be sad about the goals and dreams you didn't prioritize. Women are strong and can accomplish anything we set our minds to. Tune in to listen!  

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