How to go from skinny-fat to lean and toned! Skinny-fat refers to someone who may look healthy on the outside, but it at risk for health concerns on the inside due to lack of exercise and poor diet. In today’s Five-Minute Friday episode, Dr. Kay talks with LA Personal Trainer, Allana Galli (@allanafit), all about muscles and the key exercises and lifestyle changes you should do to make sure you’re doing the proper exercises to build muscle and not get skinny-fat. Allana has been coaching clients and teaching within the fitness industry for 7 years and loves being able to help others work towards a body that is built, not bought! From talking about the effects posture has on your body at the gym and in the office, to isometrics and the importance of listening to your body to understand what it needs, Dr. Kay gets Allana to share all the secrets to help you start off your fitness goals on the right foot. Did you know muscles are the fountain of youth? Dr. Kay talks about how as we age our bone density decreases, our facial structure changes, and our metabolism slows down. By building muscle, you give those areas more support and allow for your body to utilize that extra strength. Listen in on today’s podcast and get all the tips and tricks you need to start your fitness journey today! 
If you have any questions or suggestions for something you’d like covered on the podcast, feel free to send me a DM or email [email protected] and I’d be happy to respond!   

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