Hi Beauties! 

Can eating certain foods make you sexier? After listening in on this episode, you're going to be running to the grocery store this Valentine’s Day! On this Five-Minute Friday podcast, I talk about aphrodisiacs and the effect they have on you and how they may spice up your love life. What exactly are aphrodisiacs you may ask? Named after the Greek Goddess Aphrodite, aphrodisiacs, are foods that are said to boost your sexual desire. From oysters to avocados to chocolate covered strawberries, aphrodisiacs are said to have ‘feel good’ components that enhance bodily sensations while others simply resemble our more intimate body parts. Not only do these foods contribute to your sexual desires, but certain components in these foods, such as antioxidants in pomegranates, help keep your skin healthy too! So, don’t be afraid to indulge in these delicious aphrodisiacs this weekend because what better time to have some fun than Valentine’s weekend!  
If you have a question for something you’d like covered on the podcast, feel free to send me a DM or email [email protected] and I’d be happy to respond! 
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